Story Reveal: The Underground

Coming in October, Strange Waters is an anthology collective published by the Phoenix Fiction Writers, of which yours truly is a member. This group of speculative fiction writers are truly some of the best writers, and people, that I know.

My story, The Underground, is a part of the anthology. Check out the cover and blurb:-)


What if everything you believed was actually true?

His whole life, Kef has been told he is too idealistic. His older sister, Hiya, insists the Deep is a lost memory. It disappeared from the Raized Domains centuries ago.  Kef wants to believe the Domains haven’t been abandoned, but everything points to the contrary. Their parents mysteriously vanished. People keep turning up dead or missing. And then, Hiya is taken by the feared Dragons. 

Kef will stop at nothing to rescue her, including traversing to the Underground itself to take on the Dragons. What he finds there will change the whole sphere: but will he be too late to rescue Hiya? 

*This story can be read as a standalone. Fans of the Steward Saga will enjoy this tale which is set between part three,The Last Steward, and part four, Soulbound, set to release in 2020. 

Now available! The Last Steward

Part 3 of the Steward Saga is here. Try not to lose your mind with excitement. I am enough for the both of us. Check it out, and leave a comment with what you think!


The Triumphant King is on the march. The Stewards are in hiding. The Sisterhood must unite.

Step into a new world from visionary fantasy author Janelle Garrett. This sweeping tale takes you into new cultures, an intricate magic system, and in-depth plots that will spark the imagination. See what readers are calling “masterful storytelling”, a “rich, complex story” and “a perfect example of epic fantasy.”

When Brate and the Sisterhood rescued Malok from Polbine Voltaire, the victory was short-lived. King Voltaire escaped with his life, and Isa, the mysterious and powerful warlock, disappeared after sending Voltaire running. But just who is Isa? With his help, Brate, Malok, Priva, and Graissa are convinced they can defeat Voltaire once and for all, and stand a chance at closing the Rift.

But Voltaire is Soulbound to the Liar. And he marches toward the Bright Lands, intent on taking the Stone Throne for himself and establishing his dominance across the Lands. The Stewards and the Sisterhood must unite and stop him, otherwise the Rift will never close. But with strife and contention from one corner of the Lands to the other, their chances of stopping Voltaire seem slim. They will need the help of the one person they can’t find: Isa, who has his own ideas about what closing the Rift will entail.

When all hope seems lost, one single act will alter the course of the entire sphere. The surprising truth will change the Stewards, change the Sisterhood, and open the floodgates of the Deep. But will the sacrifice be worth the reward?

The Last Steward is Part 3 of a four-part epic fantasy series. Fans of Brandon Sanderson, Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, and Robin Hobb will enjoy this fresh, new voice in fantasy literature.

The world of the Steward Saga, available on Amazon:

  1. Part 1 – Rift in the Deep
  2. Part 2 – Rise of the Warlock King
  3. Part 3 – The Last Steward
  4. Part 4 – coming late summer of 2019
  5. The Tale of Briton’s Fury – prequel novella
  6. Justice: A Steward Saga Short Story Collection

Cover Reveal: The Survival Guide for Nursing Students



Well there you have it. This little guide will be published next month, and Susie at Poole Publishing had done it again with this fantastic cover. Check out the blurb below, and maybe consider either 1) Getting if for yourself if you’re in nursing school or 2) gifting it to someone you know and love who is about to enter or is currently in school. Want to stay updated on when it’s published? Sign up for my mailing list so you don’t miss it (and receive a free fantasy novella for your efforts!)

About to start nursing school? Or maybe you already have, and still don’t know why you are so stressed. Take my word for it: I’ve been there. And you’re in luck. This little guide is what every clinical instructor and floor nurse wished you knew.

A quick, easy read for the busiest student, “The Survival Guide to Nursing School” will give you the unique perspective you will need to actually enjoy nursing school. Written by an RN and for students in the first semester to students about to graduate, this little guide packs a big punch. It dispels with myths and offers straightforward suggestions for how to deal with stress, nerves, and perhaps just the encouragement you need to be successful in your nursing journey.

Want a free book?

Yes? I thought so. If you have read Rift in the Deepyou might have been left with questions. And if you haven’t read it (why not!? Just kidding. Kind of) then you’re in luck. You don’t have to have read it to enjoy this FREE (yes, free) eBook novella.


Introducing The Tale of Briton’s Fury. A free novella available now. Check out the blurb below, and dive into a Steward Saga story unlike any other.

A dangerous warlock. A beautiful stranger. Three Lands amidst the havoc of war. Can two accessors make the difference?

 Briton the Brown is a madman. Or so it would seem. Colin wants nothing more than to hide away at the top of the sphere and live in peace. But with Briton entering the Scrape Lands, the Warlock Council summons him to tell his story. A story that sends shafts of fear through his core just thinking about it. When he travels to Shroud, he encounters a young woman with strange power and sparkling eyes. But does her power control him? Are the feelings that arise really his own?

Tiberius leads the Brotherhood, tasked with recording history and protecting the Jin’tai’s way of life. But when the Warlock Council sought refuge, he couldn’t refuse. And now? Briton invades the peace talks, and he brings chaos with him. There is only one way to protect the Scrape Lands from becoming engulfed in the war that has wreaked havoc through the other Lands. But is the price worth it?

Step into a tale of fury and romance, of friendship and hate, of loss and sorrow. This is the tale that started it all…and that has far reaching effects into the history of the Stewards.

The Release Date

If you don’t just go for it, maybe you never will. That’s what has been haunting me for these last months. Working on a novel isn’t exactly a science, as most writers will tell you. But for indie authors, there isn’t a deadline. Unless you choose on for yourself.

So I have. March 1st. That is when I will publish “Rift in the Deep.” And you heard it first here. Take a gander at the blurb and tell me what you think!

A darkness lurks beneath the surface, brooding, waiting. The Deep writhes in currents of power, holding the Rift at bay. But the Stewards, accessors of the Deep, have not walked the Lands in three hundred years. Their legend lives on, but it is just that. Legend. No one living remembers. And the witches wait for their return, when all four Stewards can unite to bring about the downfall of the Rift.

Brate Hightower knows of such legends, but it has little to do with his daily life. He toils on his farm, alone and wondering when he will be able to travel to the Forest City and sing in the halls of the Triumphant King. Malok Mountain Keeper lives in isolation, studying as an acolyte and longing for the day he can become a Brother and spend the rest of his life gleaning as much knowledge as he can. Graissa del’Blyth lives in discontent amongst the wealthy, longing for a life of purpose and justice. Priva Car’abel is a bladeweilder, at the beck and call of the Flatland King and searching for a missing Princess.  All of their lives change in an instant, and none of them can predict where their paths lead. Will they step up to the challenge and embrace their destiny? Or will the lure of power or the challenge of a new, rising foe be their undoing?

The sphere hangs in the balance. They must succeed, or all will be lost in darkness and shadow. And if they are to embrace the call, they will need the help of the Covenwitches. 

“Hidden Queen” Blurb

Like all indie authors, blurbs are the bane of my existence.  I have several WIP’s going, but the one closest to being ready for publishing is my women’s fiction/Christian fiction/fantasy book called “The Hidden Queen.”  The blurb is below…help a sister out and let me know what you think.


Book one in the Rodasian Chronicles follows Gwyneth, a simple farm girl who wants nothing more than to live her life in peace. But when her country of Rodasia is threatened by the powerful Devinians to the north, her life takes an unexpected turn.  Forced to head south to the capital city of Parr, she must face bigger questions than she ever imagined.  Can she step up to the new tasks ahead?  Will her doubts keep her from accomplishing the task she has been given?

Protected by the duty-bound soldier Charles, and joined by a strange old man who forces her to confront the bigger questions of her existence, Gwen travels the road to Parr.  But in the end, who can she trust?  And can she overcome her worst adversary…herself?