Justice Explained

You know an author’s busy writing their books when their blog is neglected. However, I can’t say that I’m sorry. Priorities, priorities. Not only am I busying writing the Justice short story series, but I’m preparing for the release of Part 3 of the Steward Saga, The Last Steward.

Justice has been quite the challenge to write. If you’re at all familiar with my work, you know I use multiple points of view in my books. Well, Justice is just one. It’s all told from the POV of Trinn Ma’allard, the main character and antihero, if you will. You might recognize her from Rise of the Warlock Kingand she makes various appearances in The Last Steward, too.

Her story isn’t difficult to write just because it’s from one perspective, though. The themes in the stories are deep, concerning issues of revenge, forgiveness, justice, and identity. You might say, “Yeah, but you tackle those issues in The Steward Saga series, Janelle.” And you would be correct. But Trinn Ma’allard is coming from an entirely different place than say, Brate or Graissa. You might just have to grab the series to see what I mean.

Issues like the ones mentioned above can be difficult for a writer to tackle because we all face those same problems in every day life. We’ve all be wronged, in one way or another. We’ve all wronged others. We must face the decision to daily forgive those who treat us poorly, or enact our own righteous revenge fantasies. How often have you plotted how to get even with someone, whether by word or deed? I know I have. When my husband or friend or children lash out, my first inclination is to seek “justice”: lash back out at them, because they started it. But what if there was a different way?

That’s what I try to address in Justice. Check the stories out below (all are available for free through Kindle Unlimited), and pre-order Justice Part 4 – The Dreadwood coming out October 18th. Stay tuned for further details about The Last Steward, including the cover reveal in mid-October!

Justice Part 1 – The Misty Sea

Justice Part 2 – The Palisade Kingdom

Justice Part 3 – The Nomad (available October 4th)

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spfbo 2017

Yes, that looks fancy. It stands for the “Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off” and it is probably the most prestigious, and coveted,  award for fantasy authors who are self-published. It is hosted by Mark Lawrence, author of several best-selling fantasy novels. Basically, ten of the top fantasy bloggers in the world agree to read 30 novels each, choose their favorite to put forth to the finals, and then all read the final ten novels. One winner is chosen and is then reviewed on all of the bloggers websites.

It’s a self-published authors dream, pretty much.



Rift in the Deep will be read by Kitty G, a youtube reviewer with over 11k subscribers. I’m super excited.

Rift in the Deep is FREE For Five Days



In anticipation for the release of Rise of the Warlock King being published on June 23rd (pre-order it here), Rift in the Deep is FREE on Amazon for five days. Yes. This is not a cruel joke.

You’re welcome 🙂 And share the love… let your friends know!

-Janelle G.


Available now: Rise of the Warlock King

warlock king


Here it is! The cover reveal for Rise of the Warlock King. As usual, Susie Poole and JE Purazzi outdid themselves. AND… you can pre-order the eBook here, and be the first to get it when it releases on June 23rd.

Still haven’t read the first part of the series, Rift in the Deep? No worries. You can get it here, and have plenty of time to read it before Part 2 comes out.

Happy reading!

Just a Little Peek

Who doesn’t love book covers? If you don’t, well, you’re strange.

I don’t have the official cover yet… BUT I do have a sneak peak.

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Isn’t Pol beautiful!? I might be biased. Maybe.

Not only does JE Purazzi write amazing dystopian novels, but she is an artist, too. Some people get all the talent!

Rise of the Warlock King comes out June 23rd. So the question is… who wants to read it first? For free? Yes, you read that right. I’m putting together a team of individuals who want to be my advanced readers. So basically, you get to read all my stuff for free before it is published. The only thing you have to do? Write a review of the product and post it on Amazon and Goodreads (if you are on Goodreads, that is.) Just comment on this post that you want to be a part, and I’ll send you a link to the book. For free. AND if you want to be a part of the team, but haven’t read Rift in the Deep, I’ll send that to you as well. So two free books, in exchange for a review. Sound like a deal?

If you don’t want to commit to a review, no worries. Just grab Rift in the Deep here, before Rise of the Warlock King is published. The Tale of Briton’s Fury, the novella, is on Amazon for 99 cents. OR if you want if for free, sign up for my mailing list.

See it, pays to have me as a friend. You get free books all the time.

You Should Read More



That’s not just a suggestion. And I’m not saying that because I’m a writer (and an avid reader.) The Alantic wrote a piece in 2014 about how reading a novel actually changes your brain. And not just in a limited way, but in a long-term way, too.

What is the first thing educators say you should do with your children, even from a young age? That’s right. Read to them. It’s not too far-fetched, then, that if reading helps develop young brains that it can develop “old” brains too.

That being said, here are a few things I’ve been digging into recently that I think you should, as well. Of course there is my own work “Rift in the Deep.” This work is full of magic, strong characters with strong stories, a smattering of romance, and lots of adventure. And politics. And religion. But you if you know me, you aren’t surprised by that!

I’ve also just finished SM Holland’s novel “Get in My Head: Sara’s Story.”


The whole series is based around teens who struggle with mental illness. Sara in particular struggles with anxiety and depression. It’s a moving story, and one I think everyone who struggles or loves someone who struggles with depression should read.

Of course, there is JE Purrazzi’s “Infraction.” Her characters are fantastic. So well rounded, and the plot is fast-paced without being too fast paced. You can get it for free by signing up for my mailing list.

I just finished some popular ones, too. “Red Rising” was a bit hard for me to get into at first, but it picked up momentum and I ended up loving it. Then there was “The Name of the Wind.” LOVED IT. The Kitchen House was…well, let’s just say that if you want to cry, then read it. If you don’t want to cry, run from it as far as you can as fast as you can.

Hopefully those recommendations spur you to pick up something and dig in. If I could force you to choose, I would almost always force you to pick an indie author work. But the “popular” ones are -usually- popular for a reason. So maybe grab one of each. But hey, that might just be me.

It’s That Time



It’s a little strange saying this but…my book is now available in both E-book (also Kindle Unlimited) and print. Really? How is that possible? It’s a bit surreal, to be honest.

Something that only seemed a dim possibility, with months and months of hard work, has become reality. The dream that all writers have…you know the one. Publication. Holding your work in your hands. For indie authors, though, that is just the beginning. Now comes that hard part (at least for me.)

Marketing. Ugh. So with that being said, will you buy it? Write an honest review? Sign up for my email list? Maybe, with a little help from my friends (and readers!) I can hit the #1 spot. For the pre-order, I reached #43 in the Christian fantasy category, and somewhere in the 80’s and 70’s for two other categories. That being said, it’s loosely Christian fantasy, so anyone will enjoy it who enjoys good old epic fantasy. Or just a good story. So help a girl out. Thank you to everyone who has purchased it already. You’re the real heroes *fist bump*

Short Story Tuesday: The Warlock Council

Below are the first 500 words from my book Rift in the Deep, available for e-book pre-order here. 

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Colin Redstone inched backwards over the smooth stone, the sound of his shuffling feet masked by the raucous shouts of the Warlock Council. How had it come to this? Yet he knew how, deep down inside. Briton the Brown made it clear as soon as he invaded the peace talks and demanded an audience with the Council.

Never had Colin seen such anger and animosity. Or fear. The Council shouted at the diminutive man in their midst. Briton’s flowing brown robes were the same hue as his skin and eyes. At first glance, nothing about him demanded attention. Colin knew who he was, but if he hadn’t, he would have thought he was a drake, wandering too far from his temple.

But he was no drake.

Hence the shouting and anger.

Colin stopped his slow escape from the Council chambers as one voice rose above them all, twisting his neck to observe the commotion.

“We demand you cease your perverted ways!” Spittle flew from High Councilor Radan’s mouth, specks glittering in the air. “You have embroiled all the Lands in your war, and have forced the warlocks into hiding, even from our own nations!”

“You cannot blame me for this.” In contrast to his small stature, Briton’s voice rang deep and commanding. Colin felt the impact, a burning desire to believe him burning in his chest. But no. Briton was a madman.

Colin paused and leaned in to hear what he had to say. The whole room stilled, silent. As if the other warlocks wanted to believe him, too. It wasn’t true, since Colin had many a discussion with the assembly about Briton, and the consensus was that he was a manipulator.

That must be part of Briton’s accessing power; the ability to turn men’s hearts to him. It was a dangerous, seductive thing. And probably part of the reason the Lands were now embroiled in war. Actually, not probably. Most certainly the reason.

“We most certainly can,” Councilmember Josiah said, his calm demeanor a direct contrast to Radan, who sat red-faced next to him. “This war must end, Briton. And you are the one who can end it.”

“Am I to blame that the common people are afraid of us?” Briton’s dark eyes swept the assembled warlocks, turning from the table where the Councilmembers sat to appraise the other warlocks present. The room was packed wall to wall, mostly standing room. Colin stood closest to the door. Wedged as he was, he had a good view of the men present, and their wide, inquiring eyes watching Briton the Brown’s every move.
No doubt, Briton would hold them in his grasp, only to wrench the rug out from under their feet in an instant. His silver tongue couldn’t talk its way out if this predicament. A shaft of fear, icy and cold, crept up Colin’s spine at the thought.
Briton had made his bed. Violence is never the answer. Surely he knew this.
All roads led to him. All Lands feared the warlocks because of him.


Want to know the rest of the story? You can, March 1st! And don’t forget to sign up for my email list and receive a free copy of Infraction by JE Purrazzi.

Rift in the Deep Cover Reveal

Thanks to the tireless work of Jill Purrazzi and Susie at Poole Publishing…the cover art and book design are DONE. Ready for publication on March 1, and pre-order on February 18th. I’m so excited!

Let me know what you think!
